Arnall-Culliford Techniques

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How to neatly finish Alex the Mouse

This isn't one of the monthly AYoT video tutorials, rather a bonus one for May to show you how to work an applied i-cord edging to join 2 pieces. If you're nearing the end of Alex the Mouse, this could be invaluable.....

And that's not all. Ella Austin has shared her expertise on finishing toys in general, and Alex specifically on the knitalong thread:

With the stuffing I take it slow and try different things. Usually I try and fluff the stuffing up and pull it apart so it’s light and airy before I insert it. Then I push it right in, then I insert more and more, pushing it right down. Then I squish it in place from the outside of the knitting, squeezing and rolling the stuffed piece about until it seems to have got all the lumps out. If it hasn’t worked well then I leave it a while and then start the squishing and squeezing of the stuffed piece again. If it still isn’t working then I start all over again! It feels a bit like frogging and isn’t ideal but, like frogging, it’s worth it once it’s all worked out well!

For the sewing on parts, I think that symmetry is very important. The legs I would sew on from the outside edge towards the centre on both sides. Alex’s arms are slightly easier to get symmetrical because the colourwork pattern helps! Looking at the photos I can see that I sewed the arms on in the middle of the yarn B triangle on either side of his body, about 4/5 rounds down from yarn A of the head. The photos are very helpful as a guide.

Alex’s face parts are easier to sew on if you look at the shape made by the increases. They end up looking almost like seams on a traditional sewn toy. The eyes and ears are both placed in the middle of these seams. I do follow the knitted round across to the other side to make sure I get them both at the same height.

I never sew in any of the ends until I’m sure the placements are all looking right. I do unpick, re-position and re-sew to get it all just right. It makes such a difference! I hardly ever get every part right first time - but I do know that trying again is well worth it so I just keep going and by the end I’m very happy!

The picture below, again provided by Ella, is a really helpful summary of how to get a neat finish.

When you've finished your Alex, do share a photo with our Ravelry group.