Arnall-Culliford Techniques

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The unignored projects...

I didn’t get completely side-tracked over the Easter holidays! I worked on the projects that most needed my attention, and stayed pretty faithful to my Sterlyn Shawl and Briochevron Wrap. I cast off my Sterlyn not long after we got back from Wales, and the Briochevron is one of those projects that I just need to pick up and do regularly. It will get there eventually! There were heaps of photos of Sterlyns in yesterday’s post, and mine looks much like those – if you’d like to see mine, click the link above to head over to my Ravelry project page.

It was gratifying to see that I’m absolutely not the only knitter who ignores projects when something is bugging them. I took the plunge and undid the cast-off edge of my Granito sweater, and redid the ribbing on smaller needles. It looks a lot less flippy now, so I’m sure I will get back to it properly before too long. I also picked up and knitted the neckband without any hiccups. So now I’m left with the not-terribly-long-sleeves… More on that another time!

I felt very smug with myself on holiday, as I worked on those three projects, and another secret one that I’ll talk about later in the year. I totally avoided the siren call of my self-striping Mind the Gap sock yarn

…well, until last weekend anyway!

I cast on with this ball of beauty on Sunday evening and did the rib. Then we went to the cinema to see How to Train Your Dragon 3 on Monday, and I knitted most of the leg. I’ve not knitted so much during a film before, and it totally reminded me why I always used to keep a plain sock project on the go. Very little thought is required (once you’ve got the general idea of sock construction) and you can just crank them out in any situation! I had a meeting over coffee on Tuesday morning so I did a few rows of the heel in between nibbles.

Woah!! How did that happen? At this rate I might finish the first sock in a week. That will be a recent times record for me (the sort of thing I did when I spent an hour on the bus to Bath each way when I worked at The Knitter, but not something I’ve managed for years!).

Isn’t it amazing how much progress you can make, when you don’t ignore your projects?!