I don’t know about you, but I look forward to the release of the Boost Your Knitting video tutorials each month. Watching Jen’s kind and calm explanations is the next best thing to having your really talented knitting friend come over and help you work out a tricky bit of your pattern. And in this month’s video tutorial, we get double the fun: two knitting mates to help us build confidence in translating everyday sights and objects into beautiful stranded colourwork motifs.
So gather up your coloured pencils and wool, make yourself something nice to drink, and settle in to watch Jen and Felicity (Felix) Ford demystify how to choose colours reminiscent of the evening sky, stones on the beach, tulips in the garden, and a giant pine cone for the Skystone Armwarmers! You’ll come away with everything you need to know to start developing your own colour palettes, but also feeling a bit like you’ve just had a knit and natter with Jen and Felix — what could be better?
Feeling inspired and ready to join in the fun? You can get the Skystone Armwarmers — and the rest of the Boost Your Knitting programme — in the online shop. We’ve also got plenty of Jamieson & Smith 2ply Jumperweight in stock, as well as starter packs to jump start your stranded colourwork pantry! And if you’re embarking on a colourwork adventure, do please come share over in the Ravelry group — we’d love to see!
That feeling when … you’ve found just the right colours for your stranded colourwork project. Photo © Jesse Wild.