Today, we’re bringing you a chat with South African-based designer Noma Ndlovu, the creative mind behind this month’s Confident Knitting pattern the Lustrous Shawl! Noma, who designs under the label Bigger Than Life Knits, is a real powerhouse designer: she’s been bringing out exciting designs for garments and accessories, with a keen eye for texture and colour, at an astonishing rate! She was kind enough to take a break from her busy schedule to chat about knitting in Johannesburg, intriguing side projects and how she fits it all in! Come join us for a chat…
Noma Ndlovu in a sweater of her own design, Babalwa.
KR: I'd love to hear about your path into knitwear designing. When did you learn to knit and who taught you? And how did you get into designing?
NN: I learnt when I was 5. I was taught by aunt and at that time she used to do custom orders so I got curious about knitting. After learning the basic knit and purl stitches I moved on to cables, and they’ve been my favourite since then.
When I discovered Ravelry I was so excited to see so many interesting designs, and that’s when I learnt that designing was actually something that could be done by anyone – I only knew knitting magazines and books – and the idea of self publishing one’s patterns was very appealing. I’d always come up with my own ideas with my knitting so it was a lot of fun to finally share my work with people all over the world.
Another breathtaking shawl design by Noma: the Fairy Leaves Wrap.
KR: Your design for this month, the Lustrous Shawl, is such a knockout! The Knitalong Hub has been abuzz with excited cabling. Where'd you get your inspiration for the pattern? Had you worked with reversible cables much before?
NN: I love cables!!! They were the first “real” knitting technique that I learnt, and I was so fascinated with the cabled fabric. There’s just something so elegant about it. So when I got the list of techniques from Jen I really got excited about the cables and was happy when she said she liked the idea too. I’ve worked with reversible cables, and I love the idea of tossing on a shawl whichever way and still looking good.
KR: I've read before that you're really inspired by the vibrancy of your home city, Johannesburg. Can you tell us a little about the knitting scene in Johannesburg or South Africa more broadly??
The Aventurine Tee [Ravelry link] by Noma Nldovu.
NN: Before I was heavily involved on social media, I thought I was one of the few people who knit. Imagine when I came across loads of knitters, super talented yarn dyers and a whole lot of yarn shops! The knitting community is rapidly growing here. We even had our first festival in 2019 and hopefully we’ll have more when the pandemic is over. I’ve met a lot of amazing knitters, made friends in the community and most of my test knitters are South African – they’ve contributed tremendously to the growth of my brand.
KR: Speaking of the knitting scene in South Africa, I know you don't just design knitwear, but also stunning project bags! I'd love to hear more about the genesis of this business and the really stunning fabrics you use.
The Eva Bag from Noma’s joint venture with her sister, Forty71 Bags.
NN: My sister, Lesley and I recently launched our project bags . We named our business (Forty71 Bags) after our childhood home address. The Eva Bag is a large stylish tote suitable for large projects and for personal use. We have 16 different prints and colours at the moment and would love to give our customers that one of a kind product. We have neutrals and vibrant colours to suit different tastes. The main fabric for the bags is Shweshwe, a uniquely South African printed cotton fabric locally designed with various prints ranging from geometric lines to flowers and other unique shapes. No animal products are used on our bags - the brand tags are made using cork leather. We’re working on medium and small bags with different shapes and designs and look forward to sharing them with the rest of the world.
KR: You're such a fantastically prolific designer; you've already released 11 patterns this year, and we're just over halfway through it! Are your needles always busy with "work"/design knitting? Or do you ever find time to knit just for fun.
One of Noma’s most recent designs, the fabulously fun Pink Rose Socks.
NN: Thank you. I knit everyday and I always have 4 or more designs in progress. I’ve been working on my work flow process to ensure a steady flow of designs throughout the year and fortunately it has paid off. Lately I rarely have time for fun knitting. I have 2 young daughters (8 years and 17 months) and it’s a challenge to do all the work projects.
KR: It's always fun to hear about designers' favourite techniques – what are your go-tos? Any techniques on your to-learn list this year?
Take a look at that texture! Bontle by Noma Ndlovu.
NN: I love cables and textures you get from simple knit and purl stitches. For my Fall/Winter collection, I’m doing a lot of colourwork designs, and I’d love to learn how to steek. I’ve never done it before, and I’m looking forward to it.
KR: Last but not least, care to share what's on your needles at the moment? Or give us any hints of what we might see from you next?
NN: I just started a colourwork design and two more will be hopping onto my needles in the next few days. There’ll be sweaters, cowls, a scarf and sock in this Fair Isle Collection. I’ll be sharing my progress on Instagram (watch the space).
Thanks so much for chatting with us Noma! You can follow Noma on Instagram at BiggerThanLife_Knits and check out her YouTube podcast! If you’d like to have an ogle of her beautiful knitting bags, you’ll find them in her Etsy shop. And you’ll find her designs in her Love Knitting shop or on Ravelry … if you’ve purchased Confident Knitting, don’t forget to check your August Welcome Pack for a special discount on Noma’s patterns this month! And of course, if you’re ready to cast on a Lustrous Shawl, and haven’t already, you can purchase all things Confident Knitting over in our online shop!