Arnall-Culliford Techniques

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Fuss Free Seams with Mattress Stitch (Video Tutorial)

Hands up, who here avoids seaming like the plague? That used to be me, until I met a project too good to miss and faced my seaming fears with the help of a video by Jen! And you know what, I learned that not only is seaming not scary, it can be really satisfying!

If you count yourself among the seaming adverse or agnostic, well, today’s video tutorial is for you. It’s a bonus Confident Knitting tutorial and it’s all about mattress stitch! Jimenez Joseph’s Saturnus Cushions are perfect for brushing up your seaming skills, with just two straight side seams to sew up. The perfect seaming taster. Without further ado, here’s Jen showing you how it’s done (if you’re reading on our email service, you can get straight to the video tutorial on YouTube here.)

Soon you’ll be zipping your way up to pleasing and tidy seams … happy sewing up!

And, in case you missed it, our January Confident Knitting KAL celebrating grab stitches is currently in full swing over in The Knitalong Hub. And you can shop Confident Knitting book and kits in the online shop.