My needles have been busy, but it's been a while since I posted any knitting updates over here. We have limited time during the school day to get work done, and the priority over the last few months has been to get the first two books in our Something New to Learn series written and published, launching our yarn range, oh and attending Edinburgh Yarn Festival to both teach and sell. Written out like that, the start of 2018 seems like the craziest plan I've ever seen. Anyhow, both books are done, the yarn is out there and EYF is feeling like a distant memory, which means the I've been getting back to some non-work knitting, and finally have some time to chat about it.
Read moreVideo: Two-stitch cable shortcuts
My Sumburgh hat design for the Shetland Wool Week Annual 2017 features lots and lots of two-stitch cables. Image © Jesse Wild.
I have a confession to make...
There are some techniques in knitting that I know are possible, but don't use often enough to remember off by heart how to do them. Sometimes those techniques are easily found on my ample knitting bookshelves, and other times I shrug and get on with the project knowing full well that there's a better way to do it, but lacking the time to hunt down the instructions. Two-stitch cable shortcuts fall into this category. I'm sure there's a tutorial out there somewhere, but I knew when we started to work on Something New to Learn About Cables, that I wanted to include a full set of instructions for the four most basic types: 1/1 LC, 1/1 RC, 1/1 LPC and 1/1 RPC.
Read moreVideo: Basic Cables
Rachel Coopey's Areto hat is one of the designs in Something New to Learn About Cables, and is the perfect design for newer cablers to practise their skills. Our video will get new cablers started with crossing their stitches.
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