Marlisle pattern ideas

It has been fascinating to see the amazing range of patterns that people have worked on during our Boost Your Knitting knitalongs this year. There are well over 500 projects on Ravelry that have been tagged boostyourknitting and although many of them are projects from our books, there are plenty that simply use the techniques covered in the series.

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Marvellous Marlisle

What could be better than a new technique that was actually not new at all? What on earth am I talking about?! Well the chances are that marlisle is just that for many of you… If you already know how to knit and purl, and you’ve done stranded colourwork before, then the components of marlisle will all be familiar to you. So this month you don’t actually have to learn anything new – rather you are putting together the skills you already have, in a new way. Marvellous!

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