Getting ready to knit a sushi roll

Well there's a weird post title, if you're not familiar with EasyKnits' beautiful sushi sock rolls...


I've had this in my stash for what feels like forever, but for some reason I've not got around to knitting from it... And yes, there's what's stopped me right there: I know that you can knit straight from the end of the knitted panel, unravelling the panel as you go, but I also know that it would drive me crackers. I hate knitting with kinked yarn. It drives me bonkers.

So last weekend (or thereabouts) I finally got around to preparing it for knitting...

Sushi roll1

Finrstly I unravelled the panel and wound it onto my swift. It would have been best to wind it onto a niddy noddy, but I don't seem to have one any more, and my swift was already set up for another job. It worked.

Sushi roll2

Then I soaked the kinky-noodle-like yarn in a bowl of warm water and Soak. I left them there for long enough for the fibres to really relax.

Sushi roll4

Once the yarn was fully soaked, I gently squeezed out as much water as I could, without wringing it, and possibly stretching the yarn.

Sushi roll5

And finally I hung the yarn up over the bath, weighted down by another clothes hanger. It's not perfect, and you can see in the picture that the yarn is still a little bit wibbly-wobbly, but it is WAY better than it was. If I was really bothered I could soak it again for a bit longer, but now that it's all wound up I am itching to cast on for some socks. I just need to decide on a pattern that will do these lovely hanks proud. Any suggestions?