Things have been a bit hectic over the last few weeks. Between recovering from EYF, sending out Something New to Learn About Cables books and kits, school holidays and working flat out on new projects, neither of us have actually cast anything on yet. I have wound some yarn for Jen though and that must count for something!
Despite our lack of a start, it seems the rest of the world is flying along.
We've seen a few Pleione hexagons taking shape and Otrera mitts and mittens are also well on the way:
Olivia's (wintilivi) Otrera Mittens by Jen Arnall-Culliford
As ever with our knitalongs though, it's not about finishing first, or even about knitting from one of our patterns. It's all about the technique.
Karen's (KarenSchultheis) Kildalton by Kate Davies
Alix's (AlixPearson) Bright Sweater by Junko Okamoto
The knitalong still has weeks to run, so if you've not joined in yet, wind some yarn, grab a pattern, cast on and get your photos up in our Ravelry forum. There is lots of helpful advice and support available, so do just dive in and join us!
Books and kits are still available from our shop. We've just had a new delivery of the most popular colours of Socks Yeah! DK, so you have the widest possible choice.