Debut Pullover + A Bottom-Up Sweater Knitting Video Tutorial

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What did you knit over your summer holidays? When I wasn’t rejoicing in rainbow stripes, my needles were occupied with Karida Collins’s Debut Pullover, which I’m knitting up in Fyberspates Vivacious DK


The Debut Pullover is knitted from the bottom up, and is a really great sweater for novice and experienced knitters alike. I’ve got to say, I do love a bottom-up sweater, especially for travel. The first sleeve is perfect for checking tension (as long as your prepared to rip back … once … or twice … I don’t want talk about it). Knitting sleeves feels so much, well, lighter, when they’re not attached to a body! And just as soon as knitting a small circumference starts to feel a bit tiresome, you can switch gears and work on the body. In this case, miles of relaxing stocking stitch, perfect for car trips, catching up with friends or just watching an engrossing television show. It’s a doddle!

At least, that’s what I’m telling myself. Knitting time has been in short supply, and, as I alluded to above, I had a few tension issues that’s meant a few false starts. But soon, soon, I will come to the point where I need to join the three tubes I’ve been knitting together so they resemble something I might wear!

And that’s what I’m showing you how to do in today’s video tutorial! Joining up the disparate pieces isn’t hard, but it can be awkward. Awkward enough that, if you’ve not knit a bottom-up sweater before, you might find yourself wondering “am I doing this right?” So I’ll guide you through the process (using an adorable mini-sweater knitted by Jim). And hope to be showing you my own, Jen-sized joined up sweater soon!

If you are reading on our email service? You’ll find the YouTube video here.

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You’ll find the Debut Pullover, along with an array of fabulous + beginner-friendly patterns by Karida Collins, in MDK Field Guide No. 18: Beginnings. You’ll need between 5-8 skeins of Vivacious DK to knit your own (find full sizing details on the Field Guide product page). I’m knitting mine in Pebble Beach, a grey that has a lot more to it than initially meets the eye!